Altar Servers Ministry is inviting Children who have received their first Solemn Holy Communion to join the Altar Servers Ministry of the St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Philadelphia. Currently there are about 50 Altar Servers in our Parish who assist the priest with the Holy Qurbana.
We invite all current new servers and current servers to come to a training on Saturday, August 31, 2024 after the 9AM Qurbana
Thank you,
Jake Benny, Coordinator
Santo Sebastian, Coordinator
Joseph Shiju, Coordinator
Altar Servers assist the priest before, during, and after the Holy Qurbana. Currently there are about 50 Altar Servers, girls & boys together. There are two groups of servers, the senior group and junior group. The senior group is mostly made up of adults who assist the priest in reading various prayers during the Qurbana. The junior group consists of youth who assist the priest with the special rituals of the Qurbana. The junior group is presently coordinated by Prashant Kurian and Jacob Chacko.
Senior Altar Servers
Joseph P Varghese (Sibichan) – Sacristan
Junior Altar Servers