Grade 2

Grade  : 2


Jasmine Chacko / Jenny James

[email protected][email protected]

What did we learn in the class?
Date : 4/23/2017  

Today we had the “I want to be Like Jesus” project presentations. 6 students presented their project. They all did great. We will continue these presentations next week

We went through the test papers. Few kids will need to do a retest on April 30 or May 7 whenever they are ready.

We spoke about the act to be performed during the Annual day. Each child will be provided an Act to perform

Once all the presentations are complete, we will have the parents come and go through the posters the children made for the project

Due Date  No Home work. Good work on the project




 Retest for the test conducted on March 19
Project – I want to be Like Jesus 
 Through this project, the kids will learn how to imitate the qualities of Jesus i.e you will learn to be more like Jesus

(Total Points – 20)

You need to select any of the following 2 qualities of Jesus and prepare a project for

I want to be like

  1. Jesus the Merciful
  2. Jesus who prays
  3. Jesus the teacher
  4. Jesus the leader
  5. Jesus who overcame temptation

Details on the project

  1. List out atleast these 3 different instances from the Bible where Jesus has shown or displayed the quality
  2. List out atleast these 3 different ways you can imitate this quality of Jesus – for e.g how can you be merciful , how can you be a teacher like Jesus
  3. Draw/color or show pictures to illustrate your point
  4. There will be points for neatness and creativity of the project
  5. We will have each child present their project to the class.
  6. You could use construction paper or poster board paper for the project

Timelines for the project

  1. Chose the 2 qualities that you would use for your project – March 5 2017
  2. Complete project – April 9
  3. Project Presentation – April 16 – April 23