SMYM Red Cross Blood Drive

Our Church and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive.

Date: September 21, 2024
Time : 9 AM to 2 PM
Location : Parish Basement Hall

Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today!

SMYM Parish Onam Celebrations

SMYM is coordinating our Parish Onam Celebrations on September 15th at 1pm in our Parish Hall. We are super excited to invite all to join in the celebration of our culture. Please register soon so you can reserve your spot!

Registration is $20 per person and $70 per family of four. (+$15 for an additional person in a family).

CCD Registration 2024-25

Use the below link to Register your child for CCD for the Academic Year 2024-25.

CCD Picnic

The CCD Picnic will be on May 18, from 9 am to 2pm at Mondauk Common Park, 1451 Dillon Road, Ambler, PA, Grades Pre K to 12 grades are encouraged to attend. Parents may encourage the children to participate. Use the below link to register.

English Youth Choir

English choir is welcoming back all existing choir members and are also looking to welcome new voices. They invite both boys and girls from grades 6 and up and any older youth interested to sing. All individuals must be fully vaccinated to join choir. Interested persons should contact Carolin George via the following email address for more information.

[email protected]


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