Pre K November 2016 Classes

Grade  : Pre-K


Anne Anithottam / Leena Joseph / Rose Philip

November 2016 Classes

What did we learn in the class?
Date:11/6/2016 Chapter 6

We are the children of God.

Chapter 7

Jesus is the Good Shepherd.


Date:11/13/2016 Chapter 8

We care for Others.

Chapter 9

Jesus Lived in a Family.


 Date:11/27/2016  Today we talked about angels visit to Mary and her visit to Elizabeth .
Talked about the importance of air and water.
Sang song and praise god
Colored pictures .
Talked about advent calendar and each kid is coming home with an advent calendar .
Home work :
Please finish advent calendar each day with family .
Enjoy the joy of Christmas each day of advent with your child.
Lessons – 11/13/2016
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Lessons –  11/20/2016
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What is included in the test?

No tests.




What is included in the quiz?

No Quiz.